St. Mary’s National Schools … in later life

The site of the National Schools

Above you can see St. Mary’s National Schools, just behind the Sudbury factory (left edge) in Market Street, and their relation to other schools built later in that area.

Above is a view of the school building, on the left, as we look towards St. Mary’s Church and the Cantelupe Centre before it. The photographer is standing approximately between the two Hallcroft School buildings on the map.

And here, above, is the same area, from a slightly different angle, with the Sudbury factory on the left, and the schools long gone.

This is Hallcroft Road (centre left) running up to Market Street in the distance. On its right is one of the three wings of the old St Mary’s Schoolrooms being demolished. After their use as a schoolroom one of them was used as the Hallcroft gymnasium while another was used by the St Mary’s 7th Ilkeston Scouts.

The three wings of St Mary’s Schoolrooms can be seen on the right, Subury’s factory on the left, and a glimpse of the churchyard in the distance. The photographer is standing in Hallcroft Road.

And here are the Schoolrooms looking south.


and so we now examine Ilkeston’s ASBO (an acronym which will mean something to those of a certain vintage).